Monday, January 03, 2005

The WSOP Champion's View of Slowrollers...

This was posted on twoplustwo a couple of months ago and is Greg Raymer's idea of slowrollers:

"Every poker player I've ever run into who regularly pulls stunts like this is a weak and losing player who can't learn how to play well, so he tries to learn how to win with infantile tricks and ploys. These are the moves of a loser, and I've yet to see an exception. So, if you wish to be in that class of players, by all means, continue the BS."

I only know one player who regularly slowrolls and that is Mr Popularity himself, Mr Jac Arama.

Now, does Greg's description fit Jac?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont slow roll, it just takes your brain longer than most to realise your beat
cheers Lionel

5:00 AM  
Blogger The Camel said...

The only time I heard Lionel slowroll was in hand against Jim Miller.

And for that he deserves a medal, not abuse!

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, yes, the Jim Miller incident was pure poetry. And then DY put the boot in by insisting on a massage from Jim's missus. Perfect. -JQ

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the massage:

What evidence is there that it was his wife? Did either of them say that they were married? Not while I was there.

She happily did give me the massage and appreciated that I wanted it hard and not 'fluffy' as she put it.


1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah yes, the Miller slowroll, the highlight perhaps of my poker career, in fact i named it as such when asked by one poker site for my major poker accomplishment. Salad days indeed.
p.s. don't try this at home kids

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those that haven't known of this great moment in slowrolling, can someone care to post what exactly happened?

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DY wanted it hard, not fluffy - classic. I'd forgotten that.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Andy_Ward said...

I can't claim to be an eye-witness but all reports agree that Jim Miller was acting like a c**t in a No Limit cash game in the Nugget, so Lionel slow-rolled him with top set. That's about it really.

If you do need any more corroboration I saw more than one person buy Lionel a drink the next day in honour of the slowroll.


2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My memory of the night is different. I had no idea who he was. To be fair, I still have no idea.

He barely said a word all night. Some woman, who Vicky seemed to think was his wife, was massaging his back for ages. I asked to go next on the list and she did me later.

Was she his wife? Does it matter? I got the massage anyway and that's the important thing.


3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and for another tenner, she will dust your broom...

9:01 AM  

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